UNLOCKING THE ESSENCE OF FUNDAMENTAL BREACH– Exploring Sales Legislation in Southeast European Context –



Key words: Vienna Convention, fundamental breach, contract law, sales contracts, international trade, comparative analysis, legal frameworks, legal coherence.


This paper explores the concept of a fundamental breach of contract and its implications within the contract laws of Bosnia & Herzegovina, Croatia, Montenegro, North Macedonia, and Serbia, with a particular emphasis on sales contracts. It delves into the role of the “Vienna Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods” (CISG) as a foundational framework for comprehending fundamental breaches and their impact on international trade. Although regional legislation lacks explicit terminology, the paper explains how fundamental breaches are implicitly acknowledged and managed within national obligations laws. By conducting a comparative analysis of these legal frameworks, similarities and differences in addressing breaches are highlighted, revealing common approaches and regional variations. Significantly, while regional laws focus on timely notification and outline conditions for termination, they do not precisely categorize fundamental breaches. The paper suggests amendments in the drafting of national civil codes to provide clearer definitions and align with international standards. Adopting the concept of “fundamental breach” could help Southeast European countries achieve legal coherence with modern international trade laws and facilitate smoother integration into the global market.


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Author Biographies

  • Vildan Drpljanin, Attorney-at-law and PhD candidate, Master of Laws at Utrecht University

    Vildan Drpljanin is an attorney at law in North Macedonia. He graduated cum laude and was an honours student at Utrecht University, where he specialised in Human Rights as part of the master’s program in Public International Law (LL.M.). He also earned a Double Master's Degree in Intellectual Property Law (LL.M.) at a programme organized by the University of Strasbourg, where he wrote on the conflict between copyright enforcement and freedom of expression and received top of the class honours.

  • Irma Mašović Muratović, Doctor of Economics, Professor at the International Universiy in Novi Pazar

    Irma Mašović Muratović, Doctor of Economics, is a professor of economic group of subjects at the International University of Novi Pazar in Novi Pazar, Serbia. She specializes in the areas of corporations and business and management and has authored many scientific papers on these matters.



How to Cite

UNLOCKING THE ESSENCE OF FUNDAMENTAL BREACH– Exploring Sales Legislation in Southeast European Context –. (2024). Univerzitetska Misao - časopis Za Nauku, Kulturu I Umjetnost, 23(23). https://publikacije.uninp.edu.rs/index.php/um/article/view/121